Friday, January 3, 2014

Fordie Ross, Former Moderator, Madrona Presbyterian Church

Fordie Ross served his community, his church and his family during his 100 years. He has now passed on and that loss is still much mourned while the memory of his quality and impact is treasured.

Photo by Madeline Crowley

"I am one who believes that you concentrate not on the bad but on the good;
that you build on the good rather than the bad. That is what we have chosen always to do."   

About Fordie Ross:

Even at nearly 100 years old, Fordie’s life revolves around service to others. It gets him up and out to Y’s Men’s meetings, to church and out on his 2-mile walks. He is a living example of how a life focused on giving keeps you alert, active and fully alive.

This interview is now available in the book, We Lived Here, published by Chin Music Press:

Fordie Ross of the Y's Men's Club. Collection Fordie Ross

Madrona Presbyterian Church. Photo: Madeline Crowley

Fordie Ross - Moderator

  The only black Moderator, which makes me – this is history – the only black Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. The only black person to be so honored.

(Fordie Ross was referred to this project by Pastor Mark Zimmerly of Madrona Presbyterian)

©  Madeline Crowley People of the Central Area 2013   All material is covered by copyright. Express written permission must be given for any copyrighted material on this page. Email to request permission to copy or paste materials. 

This project was supported in part by
4Culture's Heritage Projects program

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About Me

Seattle, WA, United States
I am not a professional photographer nor a trained journalist. At community meetings, it became clear that many of us don’t know each other. We haven’t heard each other’s stories and don't know each other’s circumstances. This is my attempt to give a few people the chance to tell their story, to talk about our community, to say their piece in peace. As such, comments have been disabled. The views and opinions expressed here are those of each narrator and do not necessarily reflect the position of views of the CentralAreaComm.blogspot blog site itself. The is not responsible for the accuracy of any information supplied by narrators of this project. All interviews have been edited and in places condensed.

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