Saturday, February 2, 2013

Douglas Chin, Author, Historian and Activist

Doug Chin is an author and historian and was an Activist in the 1970s. He ultimately became an urban planner, so he's a serious, accomplished man with a winning deadpan sense of humor. His family was one the very first Chinese-American families to settle in the Central Area.

Photo by Madeline Crowley

We didn’t have a whole lot (when I was little). We raided every fruit tree in the neighborhood getting those plums, apples, cherries, man, we’d eat so much fruit we wouldn’t even be hungry.

This interview is now available in the book, We Lived Here, published by Chin Music Press:

Doug & His twin brother Art. Collection: Doug Chin

Doug, Art & their sister Priscilla. Collection: Doug Chin

[Doug was referred to this project by the OCA] 

©  Madeline Crowley People of the Central Area 2013   All material is covered by copyright. Express written permission must be given for any copyrighted material on this page. Email to request permission to copy or paste materials. 

This project was supported in part by
4Culture's Heritage Projects program

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About Me

Seattle, WA, United States
I am not a professional photographer nor a trained journalist. At community meetings, it became clear that many of us don’t know each other. We haven’t heard each other’s stories and don't know each other’s circumstances. This is my attempt to give a few people the chance to tell their story, to talk about our community, to say their piece in peace. As such, comments have been disabled. The views and opinions expressed here are those of each narrator and do not necessarily reflect the position of views of the CentralAreaComm.blogspot blog site itself. The is not responsible for the accuracy of any information supplied by narrators of this project. All interviews have been edited and in places condensed.

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