Friday, January 8, 2016

Mona Lake Jones. Former Poet Laureate. Washington State

This interview I've left structured as a conversation, as it suits the style of 
the charming, inestimable Mona Lake Jones, who was Poet Laureate for 
both Seattle and King County. She's selflessly served her community in a variety 
of ways, detailed below giving her a unique and thoughtful take on the Central Area both then and now. 

Mona Lake Jones. Photo: Madeline Crowley ©

I think that’s another unacknowledged thing. Is to be first is to be very lonely. To be the only is very lonely. It goes against every human instinct to go into a situation when you’re not wanted.

Absolutely. I’ve been there. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been there. I cannot tell you how many times I have been the only, the first. Coming from Spokane going to school there at Washington State University, WSU, then coming to Seattle. I mean I have been the first (pause) and the lonely (laughs) lots and lots and lots of times.

Well, it’s not really my place to but I do thank you for that, many people you’ll never ever meet have benefited.

Absolutely. I really do realize that.

Still, it’s a burden that other people don’t even realize you’ve had to carry...

This interview is now available in the book, We Lived Here, published by Chin Music Press:

Wedding Day. Joe & Mona Jone. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

News articles on Joe Jones difficulties in finding a place to rent. 

Grandhoney. Mona's Grandmother. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona's Baby Picture. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona and her mother. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona's Maternal Great-Grandmother. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Apartment Building 26th & John. Photo: Madeline Crowley

Mona as Majorette. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona with her father as a Debutante. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona & Joe Jones and their children. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Lake Family Christmas. Spokane. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona Lake Jones. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary. Photo: Madeline Crowley

Family Portrait. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Wedding Day. Bridesmaids. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona Lake and Joe Jones. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona with her daughter-in-law, granddaughter and son. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona and Joe Dancing. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona and her daughter. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona at an event with her published books. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

One of two Rose Bowl games while Joe was on the UW team.

Joe Skiing. Collection: Mona & Jone Jones

Mt Zion Baptist Church. Photo: Madeline Crowley
Joe Jones Star Football Player. University of WA. Collection: Joe Jones

Mona's mother and her Grandmas. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Mona & Joe Apartment Building from back in the day as it appears now. Photo: Madeline Crowley

Family snapshot. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Banner of books by Mona Lake Jones. Collection: Mona Lake Jones
Mona's Grandmother, Grandhoney. Collection: Mona Lake Jone

Mona & her father at the Debutante Ball. Collection: Mona Lake Jones

Transcribed by the lovely, smart and indispensable Andrea Lai, to whom we owe a great debt of thanks. 

 ©  Madeline Crowley People of the Central Area 2015   All material is covered by copyright. Express written permission must be given for any copyrighted material on this page. Email to request permission to copy or paste materials.
This project was supported in part by 
4Culture's Heritage Projects program

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About Me

Seattle, WA, United States
I am not a professional photographer nor a trained journalist. At community meetings, it became clear that many of us don’t know each other. We haven’t heard each other’s stories and don't know each other’s circumstances. This is my attempt to give a few people the chance to tell their story, to talk about our community, to say their piece in peace. As such, comments have been disabled. The views and opinions expressed here are those of each narrator and do not necessarily reflect the position of views of the CentralAreaComm.blogspot blog site itself. The is not responsible for the accuracy of any information supplied by narrators of this project. All interviews have been edited and in places condensed.

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